Contact Us


Sunday 8:00 A.M. Broadcast 100.7 WRES-FM 9:30 A.M Church School - Biblical Instruction 9:30 A.M. New Member's Orientation - Instructed by Dr. Grant and First Lady Belinda Grant 10:45 A.M. Children's Church 10:45 A.M. Worship Service Members contact the church office for Regularly Scheduled Events Tuesday & Thursday 12:00 Noon Mid-Day Manna with Mt. Zion - 100.7 WRES-FM Radio Wednesday 12 Noon/6:00 PM Bible Study and Prayer

We’d Love to Hear from You!

Please contact us if you have questions about our services, eligibility questions, comments or if you would like to be involved on a volunteer basis. You can also give us a call, or you can fill out the form below. We will be in touch with you soon and we thank you for reaching out to Mount Zion Community Development, Inc. (MZCD).

For immediate assistance, please call 828-252-0515.